Friday 27 February 2009

Poor, Poor Ovaries

This post has been a long time in the making.

Back in October 2007, I went for an Executive Screening programme at a hospital which shall remain unnamed (you never know who's reading this), just to see how bad a shape my body was in given all the stress it was exposed to at work.

I didn't actually expect them to find anything serious, because I wasn't suffering from any symptoms other than tension headaches and mental burnout. But shit, a chance ultrasound discovered a cyst in my ovaries. Quite a big one, about 4cm in diameter

Some X-Rays and MRIs later, I was scheduled for a laproscopy to remove it. They made 3 little punctures in my tummy and demonstrated just how skilled you have to be to be a surgeon. Not to mention how strong a constitution you must have.

They took a video of the whole thing. But ... but ... I managed to get the video of some other patient to illustrate what happens during the operation. Yes. This is not mine. No. Nope.

So, here's some screen captures of the action. The video starts with them just having made a hole in the belly button and shoving a metal pipe through it so the camera can go through :

Then, another hole is being made by skewering something sharp throgh the right side of the belly. Observe how hard it is to poke through the skin. Argh :

Another metal pipe is shoved through the new hole, to let more implements slide through :

This cool clamp thingy come through the pipe and grabs at the gigantic ovary. You can see the normal-sized one on the right :

OMFG! The cystic ovary is bigger than the damned uterus (the pink, round thing dangling to the right like a testicle down there)!!

A healthy ovary looks like an ugly shrivelled white raisin - ala the small puckered thing on the right. Observe the frightening difference :


The surgeon uses this cool tool that can clamp things as well as BURN them. He burns a hole in the ovary containing the cyst and yellow puss stuff spews out :

He uses the other clamp to rip open the ovary skin, and more toxic yellow puss oozes out :

More ripping occurs :

The ovary is peeled open like a Mandarin orange. The red lump inside is the cyst, covered in a fleshy bleeding skin :
As the cyst is being pulled out, yellow puss SPURTS out like a fountain :

50% done now, just gotta fully pull apart that "orange" :

The cyst is now out and left to reside in the body cavity, which is now a pool of poisonous yellow puss:

The poor ovary is still bleeding, so the implement is used to cauterise the weeping wounds :

They stuff in a bag to contain the cyst and it's juices when they pop it. Because in case the cyst was cancerous, they can't afford to have any cancerous cells spilling all over the intestines :
Up, up and away. The cyst is deflated and a sample is taken out for a fast biopsy :

They pump in water to clean all the organs of the yellow gunk and blood that came out during the whole process. Meanwhile the biopsy is being done. If the biopsy shows the cyst is cancerous, the whole ovary has to come off !!!
The biopsy shows that the cyst is benign, so the surgeon proceeds to patch up the poor ravaged ovary with a needle and thread :

The thread is purple! My favourite colour! Coooooool :

In such a small space, accidents do happen. The needle stabs the uterus by accident :

After 3 knots, the ovary is left to its own devices to heal : The left ovary is now normal and raisin-like again!

The cyst is cut open, and to my disappointment, there are no teeth inside (which is normally what you find in a Dermoid cyst). Just a clump of hair that you'd find in your shower after not cleaning the drain out for a few months :

Yucky yucky.

Go get yourself checked-up with an ultrasound today! Don't wait for symptoms to show, because usually when Dermoid Cysts are discovered, it's when they get so big it twists the ovary (you're in a lot of pain) and you lose the ovary anyway.

Saturday 14 February 2009

First Valentine's Day

Our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. We decided to avoid the crass commercialism this year given everyone's panic over the economy, and stay home :
Roast chicken thigh, baby carrots, peas and baked buttered potatoes with cheese + New England Clam Chowder soup + Ribena & Diet Coke!

Eaten at our apartment balcony overlooking a great neighbourhood view

No need to wear fancy clothes in the comfort of your own home.

Who said you need to spend a lot of money to have a romantic time?

Thursday 12 February 2009

Pool Adventures

Chris was taking shots of the solar eclipse that happened a few weeks ago, and accompanied me for a swim, since the pool afforded a relatively unobstructed view of the sun.

While waiting for the clouds to bugger off, he focused his attention on a more interesting subject. His whale-wife doing laps in the pool.

The tranquility of the blue water was occasionally interrupted by two fingers

Doing the breaststroke & surprising Chris with poses each time I came up for air

Sometimes, shark infested oceans are safer than apartment pools

Pissed off with some inconsiderate Korean kids who threw their slipper into the pool as I was swimming. Waiting for them to fall into the water so I can drown them

"ANYUNGHASEYOO you motherfucking brats!!!!"

Thursday 5 February 2009

Things I Didn't Know About Dengue

With the infinite resources from the Interweb, one would be misled into thinking, "Who needs to see a doctor when I can diagnose myself online??"

Big mistake.

My mom has suspected dengue, and despite all the literature published (and I suspect, REHASHED without further research on the damn journalists' part) in the newspapers and the multitude of consumer medical sites online, I still didn't know enough about this affliction to be useful to my mom.

All information is vague and states the same main symptoms : Constant high fever, diahorrea, joint and muscle pain, vomiting, rashes. If you have all of these, or as helpfully stated by the recent Malaysian papers "any other weird symptoms" - get your blood checked by a doctor and get admitted to hospital. WTF?!

If I feel nausea due to the stupidity radiating from the idiot who made that statement, can I count that as a "WEIRD" symptom?!? Qualify and quantify, motherfucker!!

Jeez, if the Health Ministry is so worried about the doubling of dengue cases vs 2008, why can't they release MORE information about it so people can be educated and know exactly what to do, in case they don't have ALL of the symptoms above?

A kind doctor was patient enough to explain to me the details of the affliction, and there's a lot I wasn't aware of. I'm shocked because it's so important to know these things to save lives!

Apparently all the doctors know these things, but the public doesn't know that they don't know (because they thought all the half-assed information provided was all there was to know about Dengue).

Did you know that majority of the Dengue fatalities are due to SHOCK?

The type of Dengue that causes Hemorrhagic Fever is less common, although that's the only one people are aware of and look for symptoms of. WTF.

Just because you don't have rashes and red spots doesn't mean you're safe and can sit around the house going about your day as usual.


- Loss of appetite. While this is a much publicised symptom, a lot of people misunderstand it. In my experience, it's not because you don't WANT to eat, but because everything tastes like shit! The most delicious porridge is bitter, and you just can't swallow. This is because Dengue causes some form of Hepatitis (I don't know which one), which in turn affects your appetite and taste buds. Ya. Betcha didn't know that. They should change this to Loss Of Tastebuds.

- Swelling of the extremeties. Seems that the fluids from the blood tend to drain to the tissue (thus, causing the swelling), and if you don't address by hydrating the patient or attaching them to an IV drip - the patient goes into shock, which can also kill them if treatment is not received on time. My mom has noticed that all her friends who had Dengue complained of numbness or pain in the soles of the feet.

- Gastritis. You don't necessarily have to had suffered from gastric pains before, you'll feel it when you have Dengue. I never knew the virus caused this! I just thought my mom was hungry from not eating for so many days.

- Drop in blood pressure. Didn't get a chance to find out the why of this, but it's a sure sign you need to be admitted.


- Dengue takes about 4 days to incubate or whatever. So if you have a blood test earlier than that, your platelet count may not have had enough time to drop below 150 and the Dengue antibodies would not yet be present in your body.

- Recovering from the high fever doesn't mean you're safe. Seems the virus is still there, waiting to kill you off. Many people make the mistake of assuming they're ok because the fever had abated after 3 - 4 days. Dengue needs about 10 days to run it's course through their system. They do not bother to check their blood, nor check themselves into a hospital. And that's when the trouble starts.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Pukey Bear Strikes Again


I just wrote a long entry about the things to avoid eating while I'm pregnant, and the minute I decide to break any of my rules, my stomach reminds me why I wrote those them.

One cup of bloody teh tarik (made with MILK of course) and my dinner came out in a big brown mess.

It started with burping out acidic bubbles, and a few minutes later, PUUUUUKE!!!

At least I can eat more now. Even though it's the same stuff day in and day out.

The day of fattening has come ...

Selfish Much ?!

I can be a selfish, self-centered bitch at times, I know. But for the most part, I know it's a reprehensible trait and always try to put others' convenience before mine, because another one of my traits is CONSIDERATION for others.

So I would inconvenience myself first, before I would allow another person to be inconvenienced by me : "Oh, your regular TV show is on now? It's ok, it's ok! I'll reschedule my appendectomy to tomorrow la. No worries :)"

That's why I can't understand nor abide by motherfuckers who only think about themselves, despite you already telling them how much inconvenience their request will put you through.

Case in point, my mom has been bed-ridden with high fever the last 2-3 days. It was so bad that she couldn't even get up from bed, and I had to start icing her down every half hour or so because she was so hot. Her face was flushed beet-red and her eyes were bloodshot. She couldn't even eat or drink.

In this time, she had an appointment with a someone - let's call it Z. Unfortunately for Z, it was a critical appointment that was hard to re-schedule. But, my mom was sick, so how the fuck was she expected to make it?

She called Z to cancel, and all Z could say was how difficult it was to schedule the appointment (cuz it was like a final exam for Z), and if my mom could at least try to make it.

Now, in all past appointments with Z, each one usually lasts 3 hours and my mom is put through some physical pain, which bothers her for a few days after the appointment is over.

This time, my mom can't even sit up in bed, and she still wanted my mom to try and make it and be tortured for 3 AGONIZING HOURS, when she's already in so much pain?!?! I mean, I understand how dire the situation is for Z, but my mom is sick!!

Then, Z calls to ask if my mom could make it if the appointment was postponed to the afternoon instead. Oh, so it's so hard to reschedule, is it? TERRIBLY HARD.

My mom was getting worse, and I suspected she had Dengue, so I called Z myself to cancel. I was feeling bad for Z, cuz we were inconveniencing her. But that changed to fury when Z said, "Oh yeah, it's ok. I know these things happen and can't be helped, so maybe we could reschedule again to this Thursday instead?"

I mean, I just told you my mom might have Dengue. And your response is, "I know these things happen and can't be helped" ?!?!?!?! Were you even fucking listening? I mean, normal human beings would be horrified by the severity of the sickness and say, "It's ok, let me know what the doctors say and we'll reschedule when she's better."

But NO. She just kept REPEATING how HARD it was for HER to reschedule!!

No concern over my poor mother who might have Dengue. And she has the gall to schedule an appointment in 2 days, when she should know that Dengue might take up to a week to recover from.

FUCK. I am so bloody pissed at the selfishness. I understand it's a make or break exam for her career, but if my mom has Dengue, don't tell me your professors can't make an exception and delay the exam ?!?!?!?

The best part is, after laying on the guilt trip about rescheduling, she calls the next day to say she can NOW reschedule for next week. FAN-FUCKING-AMAZING. Of course, this is laid over with the usual reminders on the difficulty of rescheduling, and pressuring my poor sick mom to commit to making it on that date.

OH MY FUCKING G--! I'm going to rip her fucking lungs out!!! See how well she'll do in the exam without alveoli.

Is my mom even a human being to you, or is she just an unfortunate lab rat??! GOD. It's very apparent that the only thing on her mind is, "ME. ME. ME. And ME."

I'm tempted to sit in for the whole appointment with my mom and bitch slap her with a smelly cod, screaming at her all the while to hurry up with the procedure and to stop hurting my mom.

What a shitty bedside manner Z has. She'd better fix that if she wants to have repeat patients in the working world.

Can't stand inconsiderate, selfish motherfuckers who only think about themselves.

Tuesday 3 February 2009


Apparently I've regressed 26 years in this pregnancy.

Just the other day, I was over at my mom's place trying to decide what I could eat that morning, since my vomiting and nausea and fussy eating were getting worse again.

My mom was hovering nearby and the following conversation ensued :

MOM : What you want to eat?

ME : (pointing at a bag of frozen crinkle cut fries in freezer) Chips!

MOM : Ok. (pause) Remember to drink your Ribena also, ah.

ME : .....

Yeah, despite being 31, married and carrying a baby of my own in my belly, I've somehow become 5 years old again. Ahahaha.